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Collective positioning # denail - ZTB e.V. - Industry gathering of freelance performing arts 2015

Industry gathering

Industry gathering of freelance performing arts 2015

8-10 October 2015 at TAK theatre, Aufbau Haus

Prinzenstrasse 85 F

10969 Berlin  


ZTB Program

Collective positioning #1 denial

Taking advantage of the industry meeting, where optimization of processes and productive networking are looked-for, we find it an ideal background for staging an attempt to evade the mandates of productivity. We set out to collectively waste time... to "hesitate", to "fail",  to "do nothing".


Friday, 9.10. and Saturday 10.10., 10-5 pm - temporary library  (all languages)

During the entire period of the industry meeting we open a library with a reading corner / speaker's corner. We are assembling books and texts on the subject of idleness, negative performance, denial of relevance, silence, passivity... to be browsed, but also to read and/or discuss.


 Saturday, October 10th, 10 am - 1 pm practice (English)

1. physical awareness – Sonja Augart

2. YES, I can't. Philosophical strategies to survive in the society.

Lecture and workshop - Dr. Alice Lagaay

3. open discussion - Annette von Zwoll

The choreographic radio will be present during the entire event and will do recordings for a coming broadcast.

Shout out to all participants to loan books and articles for the library!

During the industry meeting, the ZTB e.V. is taking up the topic of denial and considering it from different perspectives. A temporary library with texts and books on idleness, negative performance, denial of relevance, silence, passivity will be assembled... within the context of the workshop held on Saturday. If you have material that you would like to make available for the others or you would like to read it out loud and discuss it, you can bring and share. For the temporary library, an extra space is built, and is constantly supervised, so the books can be returned to their owners.

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