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Pirate Conference - All Choreographers are pirates.

Marten S. and Xavier le R. used the romantic idea we all have about the pirates. With their ship travelling over the sea. Steal from the rich and bad people. Gathering gold and expensive stuff on their ship. And than what to do with this stuff?  In our romantic idea the pirates are not able to go on land and just spend all the money they have got. No, everyone know that they are pirates, because they look like pirates and behave like they do. So, the pirates are damned to stay on their ship and travel around whole of their live.
What a nightmare.

But when we use this metaphor for what pirate can mean in our art field it starts to be quite interesting. Our body includes every movement the body is able to do. The only thing what makes the different is the way we approach the body. In which technique we are trained. In the body there can be no ‘real’ pirate action. In choreography this is a different issue. Choreography, as the most of us understands, is a body in process through space in time. This ‘ process’ which is a constant shift from one body content to the other body content - never stops. It never comes home. That ‘constantly shifting’ of the content we can describe as a pirate action.

So, all the choreographers are pirates? 

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    NFL is truly 1 of the most significant sports in America. It has a big following.
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    Fragmenta | performance and dance - Blog - Pirate Conference - All Choreographers are pirates.
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Reader Comments (1)

Good article !! But pirates do not always steal from the rich and bad people !! I think mostly they just take what they can get...Every ship that comes along is a good one...no romantic, no robinhoodism so to see...

September 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBernd Neunzling

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